Serving our church, our community and our world
- The Mission Committee—Perhaps the most active group at First United Church of Christ, this group provides both the funds and the “people” power for mission projects throughout the community and beyond. It is through their efforts that more than 100 members of the church have served on mission trips, both domestic and international.
- Angel Ministry—A part of the Women of Faith group, the Angel Ministry provides temporary food assistance to those who are recuperating at home. Members of this committee have found that sometimes good food and fellowship speeds the recovery process and can help both the patient and his/her caregiver.
- Called to Care Ministry —When a person is experiencing an issue that makes church attendance difficult or impossible, our Called to Care Ministry can provide a real blessing. This group visits homes, nursing homes, and hospitals in order to keep patients or the homebound in contact with their home church.
- H20 Ministry - Donate food and toiletry items to our church food pantry for local families in need.
- Worship Ministry - Read scripture, usher, greet, donate altar flowers, or volunteer in the nursery.
- Technology Ministry - Operate sound and video systems, create powerpoints, work on the church website, repair and update computers.
- Building and Grounds Ministry - Help with maintenance and repairs around the church, cleaning, and landscaping.